Interview with John Sinclair and new Manfrotto gear!

Hello, yesterday was an awfully hectic day.. Just as I was due to leave for London to film and conduct an interview with John Sinclair, there was a massive knock on the door.. A delivery man with two big Manfrotto boxes, Christmas came early!! For the new year, and as I now have the financial backing to launch Adam Plowden Videography I needed to step up the grip gear I use, especially as I am a single shooter keeping light is key.

Kit list - Magnesium Q5 ball head, Hydro-static magic arm + clamp, 775CX3 legs, 500AH head - pictures soon!

After much research into the many models of fluid video heads, tripods, ball heads and more, the list came together and off it was sent. I had been wondering to myself when the bits would arrive, as I was due to be going down to Devon this weekend to film with Bjorn Thomassen for product promotion and films for a conference, so the timing was perfect.

I quickly unboxed the gear and checked it out, to quickly pack it away again into my kit bag and leave for London! Having a carbon fiber tripod makes so much difference to the carrying weight, and it almost feels nicer to use.. Probably because it is so new haha!


Filming the interview with John was fantastic. If you don't know who John Sinclair is (like I did a couple of months ago) then wikipedia gives a basic overview, but listening and talking to John during the interview opened up a whole new person than what was written.

Here's a still from the interview, that I will be editing over Christmas for a short documentary for Iron Man Records. Cheers Caleb for the use of your massive flat!


Anyways, I am now finishing off the John Sinclair Viper Madness gig video, and it should be up and viewable by the end of the weekend, so if you missed the show and want to check out John and his Vipers LIVE, then keep checking for the link!