Make Professional Video Your Brands Engagement Tool

Demonstrating and promoting your brands engagement, from case studies to community or charity action has a large, positive impact on your audience and followers. Find out why video content should be your go-to tool for this.

The British Army engagement, mechanics and karting team lead a workshop weekend focusing on the mechanics badge for Surrey Scouts. Across the two days, over 140 young people got hands on replacing tyres, building karts and fixing lights. All of the Scouts were awarded their mechanics badge and learnt extremely valuable life skills in the process.

Surrey Scouts Army Mechanics workshop

Why Video Is Effective..

.. for your communications with clients, testimonials and engagement activities.

In the video above, all it took was four minutes to introduce why the Army was running these engagement workshops, a background into STEM, and the invaluable feedback from 7 Scouts; those that received the impact of the engagement.

Additionally, rich visuals that reflect on what is being said further reinforces the positive image, and tells the story of your engagement activities.

What do you learn in this short space of time?

  • The British Army is keen to reach out and engage with youth organizations.

  • They understand that skill sharing has a positive impact on those taking part.

  • The Scouts that took part were immersed into a friendly and knowledgable environment.

  • The great feedback from the Scouts is testament to the engagement activity being worthwhile.

Looking at this scenario from a wider perspective, this has every trait of a great client testimonial or case study video. The aims and objectives were clearly laid out, we saw how these were undertaken, and received positive feedback from the ‘client’.

Are text based case studies as successful and impactful?

In short, if you want to create impact and generate interest, then no. However, text based content with accompanying images and photos do still have an important role in corporate communications.

Audiences are time poor. Where a written article would could take between ten and twenty minutes to read, a video can communicate succinct and direct messages in far less time. In the case of the video above, it would take a long article to communicate all of that dialogue and imagery.

Like any story, it’s about grabbing your audiences attention before they click on a link or view a page on a website. Then retaining that interest. Video content will make up 82% of all internet traffic in 2020, so don’t get left behind.

Scouts Mechanics Day (2 of 18).jpg

Use Video In The Right Way

We take time to understand the role that video content will play within your brand, how it will be used and the target audience. Some videos will be used to promote activity, others will be for communication, so knowing this from the outset is crucial to ensuring the right type of content is captured and produced.

Points to consider for your video content:

  • What are your core messages?

  • Who is your audience, and where will the video content be published?

  • Do you have a case study or example to showcase your core messages?

  • How can rich media enhance your brand and message?

Working with a professional video production company like us ensures that your content is engaging, direct and visually attractive to your audience. A testimonial doesn’t have to be a simple sit down interview, it can be so much more.

To find out more about how we can help your brand with video content, contact us today.